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Meditative Balance Circle
with Liv Wassum

Shamanic meditation techniques that will help you achieve inner peace and understanding.

15:45 - 16:45, Sacred Room at Drammen Library


kr 0.00

SKU: SR003 Category:


Welcome to this meditation circle aiming to achieve balance, inner peace and well-being.
Inspired by shamanic traditions you will be guided to connect to the source of all being and what is understood as the dimensions.

Shamans meditate between the visible world of form and matter and the invisible world of energy and spirits. For the shaman there is no supernatural world. Only the natural world exists, with its visible and invisible dimensions.
You will all be guided on a meditative journey, connecting and balancing yourself, each other and our beloved mother Earth.

Liv Wassum has been a therapist for more than 20 years, and also gives workshops and lectures. She has specialized in spiritual and personal development, and is educated and trained in focus and awareness training, meditation, energy medicine, shamanism, communication, nlp, kinesiology, polarity therapy and coaching.