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Conversations about religion and philosophy of life – public or private?

08:30-12:30, Free entrance




We relate differently to conversations about religion. On one hand, we find people who go public in the trenches. On the other hand, we find people who avoids naming their own religion or ask someone else’s, in fear of saying something wrong.

We all meet, even daily, people with different views of life than our own. Both as professionals and private, there is a need for reflection on this. Can we talk about religion and philosophy of life? How can it be experienced to ask about religion? How does it feel like answering? And how do we get to the good conversations about religion and philosophy of life?

At this seminar we get insight into various experiences related to conversations about religion and philosophy of life. The seminar is aimed at students and staff in the kindergarten, school and cultural field, as well as others who are interested in learning more about Drammen as a multicultural city.


09:00: Questions about religion and philosophy of life: Two invited people talk about their experiences on asking for / discussing religious needs, or perceptions of others. What are the challenges? What can be positive? And how do they open up for the good conversations?
Introduction by Rebecca Tangen Annesdatter, minority advisor at Galterud School and Kjersti Heian Loos, nurse with special responsibility for ethical reflection at Fjell bo- and service center.

10:00: Responding to religion and philosophy: We have different opinions about whether religious identity should be public or private.  What experiences and advice should students, kindergarten teachers and teachers bring along?
Introduction by Rachel Mizrachi, Jewish Wizard and Aglailah Daeidih.

11.15: To carry religion and philosophy with us: Religion and philosophy of life are not like clothes we take on and off depending on context.  For many of us it is a part of us, all the time. Nevertheless, society demands that personal convictions should not take much place in the workplace around the non-religious. Both schools and kindergartens are governed by a purpose clause that provides clear values and principles. How to integrate with your own beliefs and beliefs while executing a profession as a teacher? What challenges do we meet?
Introduction by Unni Helland, teacher at Fjell School for 44 years and active in social debate, and Ingrid Nordby, teacher at Læringsverkstedet kindergarten in Skoger.

In each session we meet two initiators giving us an insight into their experiences and reflections. We will then open for further conversation and input from the audience.

Organizer: Drammen Sacred Music Festival in collaboration with the Høgskolen Sørøst-Norge

Free entrance