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Together for Norway
Stories of identity, belonging, vulnerability and being an outsider

12:30, Drammens Teater


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Norway is the world’s best country to live in, but for whom?

Norway often tops the statistics of which countries are best to live in, but is it just as good for everyone to grow up in Norway? Together for Norway is a dialogue project for youth that tells their personal story.

Three young people’s stories meet in a show of belonging, extraterrestrials and cultural meetings. The performance at the Drammen Theater is premiered and is one of the opening events at the Drammen Sacred Music Festival’s 10th anniversary. Together for Norway was started during the 2018 festival at a seminar at the University of South-East Norway. Immediately after the performance in Drammen’s theater, everyone is invited to the official opening of the festival at Ypsilon Bridge.

Watch a short video about the project here ..

Based on a model from a large and successful project in Sweden (Tilsammen för Sverige), a systematic work is now being built to create more contact and conversation between young people aged 16 to 26. The initiative is to carry out 3 course weekends in which we work with identity, background and personal stories. The participants are youth in Drammen and surroundings with different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. An important part of the course is about communicating their own story in the best possible way. Professional storytellers / intermediaries make each participant develop their personal and elaborate narrative in 10-15 minutes. Groups of three and three people representing different backgrounds have a performance where they together tell their stories as posts in a conversation / dialogue with the congregation. Typically, school classes, organizations, congregations, pension associations, etc. receive the performance. Young people also become an important resource for further work with youth in the city – in different contexts.

Tickets kr. 150, – is purchased in Drammen’s theater.